Saturday, February 14, 2015

Assistance to every Juan and very poor Juans

#ChapelMemorialService; #memorialexperts

One of the compelling reasons why we are into the Chapel and Memorial Service is MERCY AND COMPASSION FOR THE DEAD.  As the Holy Pope Francis mentioned in his visit to the Philippines last January 15 to 19, 2015, this is the kind of behavior that we should emulate from Jesus Christ:

From Bible alive

1.  He weeped when he his friend Lazarus died

2.  He weeped when a child died in a house he visited.

While the majority of the Filipinos are poor (40 to 50%) it is notable that cost of dying is high and getting higher too.  The attendance to the needs of the dead and dying is feasted by both the hospitals and funeral homes

Holy Gardens advocacy is to help arrest that trend to take advantage of the dying and dead by:

1.  having package for the indigent;

   Body crypts for only P1,200 only per year lease (P6,000 per year;   plus indigent funeral package for only P12,000. for a total of P18,000.  Normal low end funeral service bc + casket is at the P50,000 level.

  Free infant casket for those aged less than 3 months

2.  package for the masses (for every Juan)

      P34,500.00 + BC (body crypt) of P10,000 (2,000 per year rental)

3.  reducing the profit motive for the poor (and even reducing or eliminating commission for agents for the poorest of the poor

4.  establishing help desk

   We have directed our Finance office to set aside 5% of our gross profit for interment, chapel and memorial service to help the poorest of the poor brethren

We can tie up with the LGU which as program -  funeral l assistance to the poorest of the poor as in Calamba City

DSWD assistance to the indigent dead

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